Commied, effective, evolving. Organizations are treating the shi towards operating in a more socially conscious way seriously, taking genuine significant steps to change. There are clear positive outcomes for businesses who successfully report on ESG, but there are serious challenges to overcome before decision makers feel prepared for the road ahead. Our research finds that businesses are commied to effective ESG reporting. Most (75%) organizations formally report on their ESG, climate and sustainability or corporate social responsibility data, with only 14% yet to release a formal report. More than two thirds (68%) of organizations have put in place specific roles to oversee ESG reporting and initiatives. Only 7% have not nor plan to do so. Nearly 9 in 10 (88%) have an ESG stakeholder advisory board. Formal ESG stakeholder engagement is being treated as an ongoing and pivotal process, with almost half (49%) of organizations reporting every 3-6 months and 29% annually. It’s become so important that in many cases, materiality is being assessed at least twice a year to ensure all needs are addressed. Almost two thirds (63%) of decision makers say that formal stakeholder engagement informs ESG materiality to a significant extent. It’s early days but organizations are already experiencing benefits from this focus and investment. ESG reporting is mostly a recent phenomenon, with 38% of organizations kickstarting their formal announcements over the last 1-2 years. 20% have been doing it slightly longer, for 2-3 years. 5% 14% 6% For how long has More than 5 years your organization 3-5 years formally reported 20% 2-3 years ESG, climate/ 17% sustainability or CSR 1-2 years (Corporate social Only within the last year responsibility) data? We have yet to release a formal report 38% WORKIVA  ESG REPORT FINDING 35

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