How important or unimportant is technology to addressing each of the following issues? Mapping disclosures to regulations and 85% framework standards Supporting ratings investor, customer RFPs, and 84% stakeholder questionnaire responses Board and executive reporting 83% Having carbon accounting level of data 83% Conducting materiality assessment and 82% stakeholder engagement mapping Defining and calculating metrics/KPIs 82% Ensuring supply chain data accuracy 81% Calculating greenhouse gas protocols to 80% measure scope 1, 2, 3 emissions Validating data for accuracy/auditing 80% Compiling and collaborating on ESG data 76% ESG decision makers acknowledge a wide range of benefits to having the right technology in place: Why do you say that? 34% 33% 32% 31% 29% 28% 27% Makes us more Helps create Helps us be more Makes the Is very Helps us Removes efficient sustainable growth compliant/avoid process faster secure collaborate roadblocks in the regulatory reporting process interventions WORKIVA  ESG REPORT FINDING 10

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