Looking ahead at the next three years, of those planning on making internal ESG investments, technology is seen as being the area that will have the greatest impact. 23% 14% In the next 3 Utilization of technology years, where do Improved investor relations you think 15% internal ESG Growth/retention of customers investments will Talent recruitment & retention make the most 17% impact in your Growth of investor base organization? 15% Manage/decrease organizational risk 16% Unfortunately, despite knowing the pivotal role technology has to play in collaborating to report effectively, half (55%) of decision makers do not feel their organization’s departments have sufficient tools to provide the right ESG data. One in five (19%) think that their organization does not employ technology suitable for managing the ESG reporting process and program initiatives. 30% of those blame their legacy IT systems, saying they are incompatible with new required technology. Part of the problem is understanding: a quarter (27%) say they don’t fully know what technology is available or needed. Only a third (35%) believe they can use technology and data very well to make decisions on advancing ESG strategy at the moment, indicating there is significant scope to improve efficiencies and performance in this area. It is clear from our research that businesses understand the value of technology but aren’t yet using it to its full potential. Failure to invest will eventually lead to businesses falling behind and diminish their ability to demonstrate a high level of ESG performance to stakeholders. WORKIVA  ESG REPORT FINDING 11

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