Investment ahead: The ‘E’ takes priority. While progress is needed across all facets of ESG to ease decision makers’ concerns, tackling the environmental or ‘E’ element is the current major focus for organizations. As we have seen, decision makers feel unprepared and the areas where they have the biggest concerns are calculating greenhouse gas emissions and providing carbon accounting details. It makes sense that over the next 12-18 months, the area of ESG where most investment is being made is environmental: 43% of organizations’ internal ESG budget will be devoted to environmental factors, such as carbon, GHG, net zero, use of natural resources and travel. 29% is being allocated to social and 28% to governance. Thinking about 28% the next 12 - 18 43% Environmental - carbon, GHG, net zero, use of months what natural resources, organization travel policies proportion of Social - workplace safety, labor practices, DEI, employee engagement/volunteerism, relationships your ESG budget customers, suppliers and the community do you plan to Governance - rules and processes that decide how spend in the the organization operates, executive compensation, following areas? ethics and compliance, etc. 29% How quickly are organizations planning to make change happen? Where investment plans are in place, timeframes for improvements to ESG areas are typically short, falling within 1-3 years, with around a quarter seing out 5-year plans. However, even when they are planning to invest, more than half of organizations have not set out actionable steps and measurable goals to track performance. WORKIVA  ESG REPORT FINDING 6

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